Erwin Raphael McManus Soul Cravings – Intimacy, Entry Three, Love Is A Thin Red Line

Intimacy, Entry Three: Love is a Thin Red Line

ERM: When we give up on love, everything else seems to go with it- joy, hope, forgiveness, compassion- they’re all interconnected.

When we aren’t given love, it breaks our hearts, but when we don’t give love away, it hardens our hearts.

Stranger than our need to love – our need to be loved. We were designed for love.

What is this thing love? Where does it come from? Why are we so moved by its presence and its absence?

We are most alive when we find it, most devastated when we lose it, most empty when we give up on it, most inhumane when we betray it, and most passionate when we pursue it.

Love pulls us, woos us, eludes us, and torments us sometimes all in the same day.

We were created for relationship. This is and always will be at the core of our beings.

All of us have an intrinsic need to belong, and all of us search for intimacy. No matter our differences, we all crave love.

Are we searching for lost love… or a love we have never known, but somehow we sense it awaits us?

Possibly the most powerful evidence that our souls crave God is that within us is the common longing for love.

We are all connected by a thin red line.

READ: entry four, One Is The Loneliest Number. We will discuss on Tuesday, March 21st

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